Post 1: A country you'd would like to visit

I have always wanted to visit and live in Ireland for a while. So far, I have only lived and traveled through Chile where the landscapes of southern Chile have left me fascinated with their big lakes and forest. Ireland like Chile has similar landscapes, with big hills surrounded by forests and wild nature. In addition, today Ireland is known for having an exceptional quality of life, with good wages and work schedules that allow personal activities. What allows you to continue knowing new and unknown places in Europe that also I would like to know. 

Also, If I had the opportunity to travel to Ireland, I would like to see some medieval castles, national parks and especially see the Northern Lights with all their beautiful colors that provide us. On the other hand, I would also like to go and practice how to communicate in English since being in a mostly English-speaking country would help me to speak more fluently and less embarrassment. 


  1. Have the oportunity to see the Northern Lights might be one of my dreams since
    I was a kid! Hope you can see them one day!


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