Post 5: My future job


      When I was in last year of school I was still not sure about what to study, the only thing I knew was that I liked things related to plastic arts and nature. Because of this, I decided to take some time to choose the right career, as I didn't want to make a quick decision. Doing my research on what career I could choose, I found many options that caught my attention, but none that totally convinced me. One of the things I wanted the career to have was that it would allow me to work outdoors, since the idea of being indoor most of the time was not what I wanted for the future. Among careers that allowed me to do this, I found the career of Agriculture. As I researched more about it, I found more things that caught my attention, so I finally decided on this one. So far I have liked the career and the things I have learned in it, but I still haven't decided on which major I want to take. However, since I have always liked plants, maybe in the future I can choose something that will allow me to work and specialize more on them in the future.  


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