Post 6: Time travel in the future

   Hi everyone! In this blog I'm going to be talking about time travel in the future, personally I don't know if I would like to travel to the future because I really don't think it would be very nice with all the problems that are happening nowadays. However, in the case that I had to go as an obligation I would like to travel between the years 2030 and 2035 because at that age I will probably be out of college and I would like to see what I am doing with my life and also how is the situation in general with the planet, so maybe I can change something or look for solutions once I come back to the present. 

However, I would not like to stay in the future scenario because now, in the present I am with all my loved ones and my pet, who that probably for those years will not be there and that is a situation that if I can avoid living, I would do it. I also believe that in those years, the advances of climate change and the general situation of the planet will be much more serious than today if precautions are not taken, so in that sense the future does not look very hopeful or encouraging. I sincerely hope that I am wrong and that things will be better in the future.


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