Post 4: A important moment of your childhood

During September 18, 2010, when I was 10 years old, me and my family went to a place in Curacaví to celebrate the national holidays which was full of people and entertainment stands. I remember that when we arrived to the place, with my brother decided to go in search of games, when we started to walk around the place we arrived to a game stand which was offering rabbits as a prize, when we saw this we were very surprised with this situation and the poor conditions of the rabbits. In that moment we decided at least to rescue one and help it heal. When we met our parents again, they did not expect to see us arrive with a rabbit, however when we asked them if we could keep the rabbit, they did not hesitate for a moment and let us keep it. When we told them about the circumstances in which we saw the rabbits, my parents decided to go to rescue the rest of the rabbits, but when they arrived, the owners of the stand had already taken them all away unfortunately. 

Since that day our rabbit, named Finn, became one more member of the family and marking a very special moment of my life. 


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