
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2021

Post 7: Changes to my study programme

     Hi everyone! In this blog I'm going to talk about what I would like to change in my study programme.  Since I entered the university in 2020, I have only had online classes, and only this semester I was able to get to know the infrastructure of the university for the first time. Because of this, I could not specify what things should be changed in relation to this, but in another aspect, what I would like to change in the current career that i'm studying (wich is Agronomics) is that in the case that if one doesn't pass a subject during the corresponding semester, there is the possibility that it can be repeated during the first or second semester of the year, because in my case during my first year I could not take a subject and then this year, when I wanted to take it, I couldn't because it was only given in the second semester of the year, so now because of this, I am behind with other subjects this year, meaning that in the future, there is a possibility that th

Post 6: Time travel in the future

    Hi everyone! In this blog I'm going to be talking about time travel in the future, personally I don't know if I would like to travel to the future because I really don't think it would be very nice with all the problems that are happening nowadays. However, in the case that I had to go as an obligation I would like to travel between the years 2030 and 2035 because at that age I will probably be out of college and I would like to see what I am doing with my life and also how is the situation in general with the planet, so maybe I can change something or look for solutions once I come back to the present.  However, I would not like to stay in the future scenario because now, in the present I am with all my loved ones and my pet, who that probably for those years will not be there and that is a situation that if I can avoid living, I would do it. I also believe that in those years, the advances of climate change and the general situation of the planet will be much more ser

Post 5: My future job

            When I was in last year of school   I was still not sure about what to study, the only thing I knew was that I liked things related to plastic arts and nature. Because of this, I decided to take some time to choose the right career, as I didn't want to make a quick decision. Doing my research  on what career I could choose , I found many options that caught my attention, but none that totally convinced me. One of the things I wanted the career to have was that it would allow me to work outdoors, since the idea of being indoor most of the time was not what I wanted for the future. Among careers that allowed me to do this, I found the career of Agriculture . As I researched more about it, I found more things that caught my attention, so I finally decided on this one. So far I have liked the career and the things I have learned in it, but I still haven't decided on which major I want to take. However, since I have always liked plants, maybe in the future I can choose s